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Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Edwards Family

Last night I went to go hang out with the Edward's Family! What a treat! We had so much fun walking around, taking pictures, laughing, and listening to some amazing live music. Jared and Sarah are in our youth group and are both just outstanding kids! Brent and I have loved watching them mature in their faith. It is just crazy to think that Jared will be graduating next month, ACU will be a blessed campus!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Gibson Family

Last night I had the privilege of hanging out with the Gibson's! We had a lot to get done but everyone did great! Erin is one of my senior girls in our discipleship group. It has been a joy getting to know her better this year. She is always full of life!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Angie and James Engagement Session

Angie and James are an amazing couple and I know that they are going to have a lifetime of wonderful memories together. I loved having the opportunity on Sunday to go with them and capture their love for one another! We had fun but I think my favorite part was visiting their favorite Ice Cream shop, Curly's. This is one of their favorite date spots, which was so fun to capture!