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Thursday, May 19, 2011

John & Cristina's Wedding

I am so excited to be able to blog about this beautiful wedding! Cristina is one of my sisters best friends from high school, so she is like a little sister to me. She is an amazing woman that loves the Lord. I loved getting to be apart of such a special day! She found an amazing husband that loves and cherishes her. You can tell that they are heads over heels for one another! They are going to be a dynamic couple that glorifies God in all that they do! Their wedding was so special and unique with both of their dads officiating the wedding! Their reception was awesome and truly reflected their FUN personalities! And let me just say the dancing was INCREDIBLE! Congrats and enjoy!!

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Here is Miss Ella for her 6 month photo shoot! We got some great pictures of her exploring everything around her. What a sweet little girl, so laid back and content where ever we placed her! Such a cutie!


Sometimes....very few....newborn sessions just go perfectly! This little guy was perfect in everyway. He slept the entire time he was here! Seriously, I have been so blessed lately working with precious little babies and wonderful families! This little guy is very loved!