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Friday, October 29, 2010

Miss Ella

Little girls are so sweet and that was definitely the case with little Miss Ella. She is so beautiful! We had so much dressing her up in fun bows and hats and she didn't mind a bit. She was the perfect little model and did a very good job at staying asleep! Here are a few of my favorites...

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Mays Family

I was so blessed on Tuesday night to get to go and hang out with the Mays Family! What an incredible and beautiful family inside and out! All of their kiddos were perfect and were quite the little models! We had so much fun jumping over the little creek, sliding down the hill, and of course throwing leaves - I just love fall! Here are some of my favorites...

Friday, October 22, 2010

Baby Mark

Oh I had so much fun hanging out with Janel and baby Mark yesterday. He is such a sweet baby boy. Although he did not want to go to sleep, we finally wore him out and was able to get a ton of really fun shots at the very end of our session! Janel said he slept for 5 HOURS when he got home, being a newborn is hard work! Here are some of my favorites...

 Mark's room has a lego theme so Janel brought all of these really fun accessories!