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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Ben has arrived!!

Our sweet little Ben is here! The Joy's are some of our dearest family friends! I went to college with Rachel and she is an amazing friend that challenges me to run hard after our Jesus! Since Ben was a Christmas baby, I was a little behind but FINALLY got the chance to go over, hang out with them and meet precious Ben. He is so handsome and was the PERFECT little model baby! 

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Jenkins Family

I had so much fun going to the park with the Jenkins family to hang out and capture their family! The kids had so much fun sliding down the slides, running around and swinging! They have so much energy and love for one another! Here are a few of my favorites!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Tomlin Family

This past Saturday I had the pleasure of meeting the entire Tomlin Family. What an incredible family! They are possibly the kindest, sweetest family that I have ever encountered! I was richly blessed during our shoot. Here are a few....

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Henry Family

I had a blast hanging out with the Henry Clan over Christmas break. They had the entire family together for the holidays so it was the perfect time to capture this precious moment in time. They were an awesome group and by far the easiest group with 8 small children that I have EVER photographed! They were all so well behaved and followed directions perfectly! This is one blessed family!