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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Elizabeth "lizard"

This has been my first baby girl photo shoot over the past month! Everyone has been having little boys. So I was extra excited about this shoot and the fact that little girls just have so many fun props and accessories! LOL! Well, this little angel did not let me down, she did wonderful! Of course, she is beautiful but she also gave us plenty of smiles along the way....precious! Congrats Jeremy and Heather, love you guys!

Saturday, February 26, 2011


These past 2 weeks have been filled with newborn sessions and I have been loving it! I love getting to watch these precious little things just melt their parents hearts. I am also reminded with every session how fast time goes by and to treasure every second with these sweet babies! This was my first time to get to meet Quinn and he was seriously the perfect newborn model! He slept from the moment we started and woke up the last 5 minutes only to continue his little model poses! TOO CUTE!

 At the very end of the session he woke up and held this pose for us! PRECIOUS!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Taylor's Maternity Session

It is prime baby session!!! I had the pleasure of catching up with Taylor and taking her maternity pics! She is so beautiful pregnant and has that wonderful glow about her! You can tell that they are so excited to welcome their 1st baby boy! Here are a few of my favorites...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Baby Dylan

Oh, this little one was a heart throbber!! Dylan was such a little cutie pie and was the perfect little sleeper! We had so much fun watching his little facial expressions! He has a mommy and daddy that are head over heels for him - one lucky little baby boy!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I loved getting to meet the William's Family! We had fun watching this little guy as he put up a strong fight of not wanting to sleep for us but he finally gave in and we got some great shots! What a sweet baby boy and what an awesome family! Colton is very blessed!

 This last shot was taken right after Colton left a little surprise for his daddy in his glove. LOL! A moment we will always remember!