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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Amy and Dan say "I DO"

I love when I have the opportunity to go to a wedding where it is evident that the bride and groom are madly in love. It was so sweet to watch as both of their faces lit up as the other would enter the room. So sweet! I had so much fun at their wedding. They are both surrounded by amazing family and friends that love them and will support them together. Amy and Dan are both unbelievably kind people that love the Lord. It was an honor being their photographer!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Angie's Maternity

Oh, I just love when I get to work with clients throughout all of life's stages. I worked with Angie and James last year for their engagement session, Bridal portraits and then their beautiful wedding. And now almost 1 year later I am taking Angie's maternity pictures! I was absolutely shocked with Angie called me with the news, but I was so excited to get to see them again! I went over to their house and we had a very laid back session and captured this fun moment in are a few of my favorites!

 They are naming their sweet little girl Evelyn after Angie's special!

Amy's Bridals

It is so hard for me to wait to post pics from Bridal portraits...but of course it is mandatory to keep the dress a secret. So here are Amy's Bridals...we had so much fun even though we had to start at 7:30am so that all of us wouldn't melt away. Amy was stunning! Keep a look out for her wedding pics...I am busy working on them and should have them up soon!