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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Jen's Maternity

My beautiful little sister, Jenni, is expecting her SECOND baby boy at the end of this month. I can't believe that it is almost time to welcome Beau into this world. I admire Jen so much. I have loved watching her be a mommy to Bennett, she is so loving and patient and I strive to be like her in so many ways! She is a wonderful mommy and is going to be the perfect BOY momma! Here are a few of my favorites from our session today! LOVE YOU JEN!

 Little boys and cowboy boots....absolutely precious!
 I had to get one of the BIG bro!
This last one was for my amusement! And Jenni put up with me. HAHA!

Lizard is ONE!!

Elizabeth is ONE!! I can't believe how fast this past year has gone. I absolutely LOVE this family, they are some close friends of ours. I have LOVED watching Elizabeth grow this year and watch as Heather and Jeremy love her unconditionally. She is so blessed to have such wonderful parents, especially a mommy that dresses her so INCREDIBLY! Here are a few of my favorites.