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Friday, May 17, 2013

The Faszholz Family

I LOVED getting to catch up with one of my favorite high school friends and college roommates this past week! Leah has always been such a dear friend and one that we can just jump back into our friendship when we see each other. Her sweet baby girl, Ivey, turned one and I actually got to photograph her on her birthday!! Such a beautiful family inside and out, I love the Faszholz family!!
Here are a few of my favorites....

Monday, May 6, 2013

The Acosta Family

I absolutely LOVE getting to see this family every year! These little ones kept me on my toes and laughing throughout the session! And Kim is such a beautiful and patient mommy that loves her babies so much! Here are some of my favorites....

Thursday, May 2, 2013


I got to meet another little princess this week! She was so beautiful and so tiny! Clacie did not want to miss out on the photo party, so she fought hard to stay awake but finally gave in by the end:) Here are just a few of my favorites.

Mini's at the Country Club

It was so wonderful to go to Stonebriar Country Club and meet some of their amazing members this past weekend. I was able to capture some fun family memories and I feel honored for the privilege. Thank you Stonebriar Country Club for offering this amazing day for your members!
We have one more mini session day at the Club. DON'T miss out on booking your session today! We will fill up quickly! May 19th, 2014