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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Briley & Kenzie

We have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of our precious twin girls! On August 11th, 2010 our family was made complete when God blessed us with Briley Adell and Kenzie Lynn. As many of you know, this summer was filled with many challenges. When I was 29 weeks I started to go into labor, I was put in the hospital on bed rest to prevent these little girlies from arriving to soon! They monitored me very closely and had me on all kinds of medicines. We braced ourselves for what might be our future for the next couple of months, the NICU doctors came to explain what we could expect if our girls came this early. Although it was an extremely hard summer, we were overwhelmed by God's grace and by our family and friends that surrounded us with prayers, meals, and visits. God also blessed us with an amazing hospital staff that loved on us and became some of our dear friends through this experience. Everyday was a gift and we were thrilled when we made it to 34 weeks and they let me go home on bed rest. At 35 weeks, my doctor let me come off of all medicines and 2 days later our little beautiful angels were born! Briley was 4lbs 7oz and Kenzie was 4lbs 10oz. Although they were extremely tiny they were so healthy, and neither of them had to go to the NICU - praise the LORD! The doctors and nurses were all amazed at how well they were doing even though they were teeny tiny!
God taught us so much throughout this summer, we have grown so much closer as a couple and as a family. We learned to be utterly dependent on the Lord and trust HIS perfect will for our lives. Thank you for all of your prayers, encouraging words, and calls throughout the past couple of months. We have felt the power of the body of Christ!

Here are some pics of my beautiful baby girls!
 Meet Briley

Meet Kenzie


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