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Friday, April 13, 2012

My Girlies

My beautiful girls are growing up so fast! So fast that I missed their 18 month photo shoot and took them a day before they turned 20 months. Oh well, they haven't changed that much in the past month (looks wise at least). haha! Briley and Kenzie are talking so much now and are still as sweet as can be! They love each other and have really started to interact with each other more. When I go to get them after naps or in the morning they are usually giggling and playing peek a boo with each other in their cribs. They play so well with one another. We feel so blessed to have these girls as apart of our family. God is teaching me so much through their sweet, gentle spirits! Here are a few of my favorite recent pictures of them.

 I had to snag one of their Big Brother! He was so good during their session and helped us get them to smile.


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