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Thursday, October 4, 2012

McKenzie Curry

WOW- I can't believe I am about to write this post.....where do I even begin to describe this girl! McKenzie is a Senior in our youth group. But in all reality she is an adopted member of the Southard Family! We LOVE this girl so much. McKenzie is the type of girl that can walk into a room and light it up with her energetic spirit and beautiful presence. But not only is she beautiful.....she truly has a heart of gold. She has a deep passion to serve the Lord with all of her heart and lead others with her actions and encouraging spirit. She is so much FUN to be around and has a way of making EVERYONE around her laugh! We LOVE McKenzie Curry, and although I am so sad that she will be leaving us in a year:( I can't wait to see what God has in store for her in the future....because I know HE has amazing plans for her! So I had a hard time narrowing it down to my here are a lot of my favorites:)


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