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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Happy Birthday to my little LOVE'S

Ok, so I am only about 1 month late on this post!! oops! I pray that my kiddos will one day forgive me for always posting their pics way later than everyone else' as a photographers child. haha! Anyways, we had so much fun getting ready for their birthday party this year. As always, we started a little early so that my little ones could help me get everything ready! Kaden loves getting to help with all of the little details and crafts, and this year the girlies joined in on the fun as well! So almost everything you see had a touch of kid help:) We decided to do a camping theme, since it is somewhat of a neutral theme and it our families FAVORITE things to do together.
And my sis, Jenni Panter, the owner of YumScrum Cakes did their AMAZING birthday cakes!!! She is so talented, so if you need a cake for an her!!
The BIG group minus a few that had to leave early:)
Thank you Lord for these 3 beautiful children that you have blessed us with. Thank you for the joy and laughter that they bring into our lives. And thank you for these sweet moments in which we get to celebrate these 3 special babies!!!!

Thank you also to all of Kaden, Briley and Kenzie's friends that were able to come to the campout!! You made it so special!


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